Dinky’s choice, referral, proven to make your design in the
music business a success.
Backline equipment companies that make it a pleasure to use their instruments:

Watkins Electric Music. Charlie Watkins, the oldest surviving electro- musical pioneer.
Fender Guitars and Amplifiers, especially the Custom shop products. Once Dinky owned a
Leo Fender hand made Stratocaster number 69. www.fender.com
Ampeg amplifiers a bass staple for many a year. www.ampeg.com
Kurzwiel electronic pianos and piano modules. www.kurzwwielmusicsystems.com
Korg electronic keyboards www.korg.com
Yamaha Musical Instruments. Drums, one fine example of this manufacturer. www.yamaha.com
Zildjian Cymbals
Sound Equipment Manufacturers:
JBL pro been a staple and always will be. www.Jbl.com
EAW top Quality house and monitor speaker cabinets. www.eaw.com
Yamaha Corporation of America mixing consoles, effects etc. www.yamaha.com
Mackie best dollar value mixing consoles. www.mackie.com
Crown International workhorse amplifies. www.crownintl.com
Shure Brothers microphone standards we all use. www.shure.com
Sony Professional Audio. The one and only.www.sony.com/proaudio
Sennheiser favorite drum and guitar mic. www.sennheiser.com
Tascam DA 88 work-horse. www.tascam.com
AKG great condensers and the best tripod mic and boom stands.www.akg-acoustics.com
T.C. Electronic, Ultimate Sound Machines. www.tcelectronic.com
Lexicon an industry staple. .www.lexicon.com
Atlas round base mic stands a rock classic. www.atlas-soundolier.com
Calzone case together with Anvil www.calzone.com
Precision Sheet Metal Fabrication:
Ceric Fabrication Co., INC.: www.cericfab.com
Musician Services:
West West Side Music CD/DVD Mastering. www.westwestsidemusic.com
ASCAP choice membership for all musicians. www.ascap.com
Walters-Storyk Design Group Recording Studio Design. www.wsdg.com
ETA lighting packages that work. www.etasys.com
Back Line ETC. Rental
Boston and the World’s best Backline Gear
Bergsten Music.com
History Channel Modern Marvels
Modern Marvels 60s Tech
Musician Services:
West West Side Music CD/DVD Mastering. www.westwestsidemusic.com
ASCAP choice membership for all musicians. www.ascap.com
Walters-Storyk Design Group Recording Studio Design. www.wsdg.com
KIA best dollar valve in the US. www.kia.com
Holiday Inn always been a touring bands home on the road www.holidayinn.com
United 60’s to the 90’s music oriented. www.unitedairlines.com
British Airways classy travel. www.britishairways.com
Virgin a true rock and roll airline. www.virgin.com
Air Freight & Full Production Services:
Worldwide freight services:
HE Cargo

British Imports food and more for all Brits. www.britishsupplies.com
Newcastle Brown ale. “The One And Only” www.newcastlebrown.com
Boston WZLX Carter Alan on classic radio. www.wzlx.com
Did I say “Best live concerts on the web Wolfgangs Vault.com
Are you the lad on Antiques Road Show? Yes! but did you
see that Moose? www.allcollectors.com
Antiques Roadshow/Appraisers: GARY SOHMERS